Board of Directors
Director Stephanie Matthews (503) 784-6079 oregonwrestlingclassic@gmail.com
Secretary Open Position
Treasurer Jan Cousins (503) 318.4536 jancuzz@hotmail.com
Site/Volunteer Director Samantha Howe (541) 749.0346 sammiehowe15@gmail.com
High School Director Larry Morene (541) 281.5209 larrymorene@charter.net
Women's Director Natasha Umemoto (503) 442.7745 oregongirlswrestling@gmail.com
Kids Director Lesa Lawrence (541) 588.0810 lesa.oregonwrestling@gmail.com
Staging Director Roy Pittman (503) 314.7884 bigdog43@comcast.net
At Large Cleve Thompson (360) 601.2439 rcthompson350@comcast.net
High School Representatives / Staff -
1/2A Michael Day (503) 602.1238 mike.day@centrallinn.k12.or.us​
3A Mark
4A Rex Metcalfe (503) 801.0446 rrmetcalfe@charter.net
5A Kris Davis (541) 217.4489 kris.davis@redmondschools.org
6A Neil Russo (503) 515.4220
Jerry Ralls - High School & College Weigh In Master (541) 480-2938
Kurt Davis - High School & College Weigh In Master (541) 771-3883 kmdavis@cbbmail.com
JD Alley - Mats Logistics Director (541) 948-3520 matboss275@gmail.com
Additional Staff & Support -
Tournament Administrator - Thomas Cousins
Officials Director - Floyd Payne (541) 306.9679
Jerry Bannon - Tournament Announcer
Marlin Grahn - Clocks & Equipment (503) 320-8731 mgrahn47@gmail.com
Lesa Lawrence - Website, Facebook and Social Media Coordinator